Blog Archive For - 2024-04

GenAI Is on A March that is Unstoppable

Posted on 28th Apr 2024 11:21:02 in Technology

As an AI enthusiast who is avidly following GenAI’s public-facing development and fame, I have been thinking of the parallels between how we as humans achieve our success and intelligence and how we are experimenting and crafting the intelligence of our AI machines and tools.

China hopes to grow potatoes in the moon.

Posted on 27th Apr 2024 15:39:34 in Development

China says it has opened a "new chapter in lunar exploration" after sending a rover towards the far side of the moon. The Chang'e-4 lunar probe was launched on a Long March 3B rocket from the southwestern Xichang launch centre, and is expected to reach its destination sometime around the turn of the year. While the terrain on the near side of the moon has many flat areas to touch down on, the far side is rugged and mountainous